List of recommended resources
The following list is a recapitulatif of all the resources that have been cited in this hanbook. They are organised by global topics to facilitate its consultation.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) (Online article)
- Storytelling in Classroom (Online article with video)
- Active Learning Teaching Guide (Online article)
- Designing a Flipped Class Lesson (Video)
- Learning Journal Definition and Use (Pdf document)
- Peer Instruction
- Think Pair-Share
- Thik-Pair-Share Strategie Definition and References (Pdf document)
- Help Students Test New Ideas by Using Think-Pair-Share (Pdf document)
- Tips for Implementing Think-Pair-Share (Pdf document)
- Think-Pair-Share Online and Offline (Online article)
- Gamification
- Implementing Gamification (Online article)
- 4 Strategies to Harness Gamification to “Hack” Student Engagement (Online article)
Study Methods and Tools
- Concept Mapping Tools (Online article)
- The Cornell Note Taking System (Online article and videos)
- The Zettelkasten Method (Website)
- Active reading
- Active reading, Critical Reading Techniques (Online article)
- Active-Reading Strategies for University Students (Online article)
- Active Reading: Five Ways to Engage Students in their Reading (Online article)
Time Management and Organisation
- How is a due date like a bull’s eye? (Video)
- Pomodoro technique Presentation (Pdf document)
- Eisenhower Matrix Presentation (Pdf document)
- Example a Weekly Study Schedule (Pdf document)
- Weekly Organisation Format (Document)
- Task Priorisation Using an Online Board Tool (Online article)
- Goal Setting Sessions Following the SMART Model (Pdf document)
- Toastmasters Public Speaking Club (Website)
- Basic Guide to Mail a Teacher (Pdf document)
- Non-Violent Communication Model (Pdf document)
- Effective Questionning
- Kit for Asking Effective Questions (Article)
- Questionning approaches (Pdf document)
Creating a Safe Environment
- Taking in Consideration A Cognitive Bias When Teaching (Online article)
- Why and How to Humanize your Online Class (Infographic)
- Rigor through Empathy: Becoming a Warm Demander (Video)
- Inclusive Instructional Strategies (Online article)
- Setting Class Expectations
- Setting Class Expectation for your Students (Online article)
- Setting Expectations (Online article)
- Creating an Interactive syllabi (Website)
- Example of a Mindmap Syllabus (Interactive online graphic)
- Sample Classroom or Group Norms (Pdf document)
- Create a FAQ document (Online article)
- Icebreakers
- Two Truths and a Lie (Online article)
- Human Bingo Description (Online article)
- Speed meeting, A First Day Activity for the Classroom (Online article)
- 25 Classroom Icebreakers for College Professors (Online article)
- Building Community in the Classroom Through Icebreakers and Parting Ways (Pdf document)
- 60 Awesome Icebreakers for Orientation and Beyond (Online article)
Frameworks and Tools to Design Activities
- The Conversational Framework (Video)
- TeachEUR – Already Available Activities (Website)
- PZ’s Thinking Routines Toolbox (Website)
- Liberating Structures (Website)
- Branching Scenario Tutorial (Online article)
University Culture and High School Culture
- The Challenges Game (Document)
- High-school and University Comparative Table (Document)
- The Myths and Realities Game (Document)
Information Gathering
- KWL Method Table (What I Know, What I Want to Know, and What I Learned) (Document)
- Fillable Table to Provide Students with Basic Information (Document)
- Feedback for Learning Guide (Online article)
- Handout: Clarifying and Probing Questions (Pdf document)
- Feedback Codes Example (Image)
- Feedback templates (Pdf document)
- Template Action Plan for Integrating Feedback (Pdf document)
- Reinventing Feedback Sandwich (Website)
- Bumper and micro-lectures of a specific topic (Online article and videos)
- Rubrics
- Rubric’s example 1 (Pdf document)
- Rubric’s example 2(Pdf document)
- Rubric’s example 3(Pdf document)
- Rubric Best Practices, Examples and Templates (Online article)
- Rubrics (Online article)
- Oral Presentation Rubric (Pdf document)
- Example of a rubric for ‘Have you considered that what is expected from students might not be clear? (Pdf document)
- Weekly Check-in Questions (Document)
- Letter of Recommendation Tips (Online article)
- Self-assessment
- Self-Assessment Tool: Questionnaire to Determine Academic Engagement (Documento)
- Reflective Assignments (Online article)