Teaching Methods to Facilitate Asking Questions
Flipped Classroom Activities
- Holm, L.B., Rognes, A., & Dahl, F.A. (2022). The flipped step study: A randomized controlled trial of flipped vs. traditional classroom teaching in a university-level statistics and epidemiology course. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2022.100197
- Knutas, A., Herala, A., Vanhala, E., & Ikonen, J. (2016). The Flipped Classroom Method: Lessons Learned from Flipping Two Programming Courses. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies.
- Ozdamli, F., & Asiksoy, G. (2016). Flipped Classroom Approach. Journal on Educational Technology, 8, 98-105.
Collaborative Learning Activities
- Lu, H. S. & Smiles, R.V. (2022). The Role of Collaborative Learning in the Online Education. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research. 6,6, 97-106. doi: 10.51505/ijebmr.2022.6608
Formative Assessment Activities
- Boston, C. (2002). The Concept of Formative Assessment. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 8, 1-4.
- Menéndez, I.Y., Napa, M.A., Moreira, M.L., & Zambrano, G.G. (2019). The importance of formative assessment in the learning teaching process. International journal of social sciences and humanities, 3(2), 238-245. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijssh.v3n2.322
- Wilson, S.B. (2017). Exploring the Importance of Using Formative Assessment in Informing Instruction to Improve Student Learning. [Master’s dissertation]. North Western College). Available here.