
H5P activities list

This book includes 77 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
62Ирония судьбы - горькоSingle Choice Set
63Традиция - горькоAccordion
64Горько - лексикаSingle Choice Set
65Горько - лексика gapsFill in the Blanks
66московская пропискаAccordion
67Что такое дачаAccordion
68Berries ex ch 5Collage
69Урожай на дачеDrag and Drop
70Ch 5 dacha talkFill in the Blanks
71Ch5 dacha talkDrag the Words
73Dacha episode 2Sort the Paragraphs
74Правильный рецепт "шубы"Sort the Paragraphs
75Разговор во время застольяDrag the Words
76Ref ch 5Accordion
77ch1 refAccordion
78ch 2 refAccordion
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