
H5P activities list

This book includes 40 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
22Image slider Lean Six SigmaImage Slider
23Which animal lives in the wild in the NetherlandsImage choice
24Column with some interactive examplesColumn
25Ethnocentric/Holisitc/Cultural RelativismMultiple Choice
26Ch 4 - The Heart Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice
27The HeartDrag and Drop
28OER information videoInteractive Video
29Dialog cards exerciseDialog Cards
30Example of a question setQuestion Set
31User commentsDocumentation Tool
32Example interactive bookInteractive Book
35Collage AntarcticaCollage
36H5P HotspotsImage Hotspots
37Match the tactic with the blocking behaviour.Drag the Words
38Vision Question PromptsAccordion
39The accordion content type allows users to present information in a structured formAccordion
40Tip of the week #3 - Fill in the BlanksFill in the Blanks
41Statistiek vragenQuestion Set
42The University Library than and now.Image Juxtaposition
43Livingroom HotspotsImage Hotspots
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