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Russian Language Learning Textbook book cover

Russian Language Learning Textbook

All Rights Reserved  77 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Dina Zhuravleva, Yuliya Kazanova, Marjolijn Verspoor

Subject(s): The Arts

Last updated: 21/03/2025

Research Skills Reader book cover

Research Skills Reader

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Roelof Hars

Editor(s): Roelof Hars

Subject(s): Business and Management, Research methods: general

Institution(s): University of Groningen

Last updated: 26/02/2025

This reader is an adaptation of the fourth edition of Research Methods in Psychology by Jhangiani, Chiang, Cuttler & Leighton. It also adapts a chapter from Social Science Research: Principles, Methods and Practices, by Bhattatcherjee This work (and, for that matter, both books it adapts from) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The goal of this adaptation is to improve the fit of the material to the Research Skills pre-msc course, which focuses on business research rather than psychological research (though the disciplines share many similarities). To this end, this reader selects and adapts a set of relevant chapters from the original book. A more detailed list of changes can be found at the end of the book.

This reader is a ‘living document’, in the sense that material is changed on an annual basis to improve this fit with the course it is associated with.

UGP Pressbooks Demo book cover

UGP Pressbooks Demo

CC BY (Attribution)  40 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Pieter van der Veen

Editor(s): Pieter van der Veen

Subject(s): Subject dictionaries

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 12/02/2025

START Handbook book cover

START Handbook

CC BY (Attribution)  2 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): START Project Team

Editor(s): Melina Solari Landa, Tracy Poelzer

Subject(s): Education, Higher education, tertiary education

Institution(s): University of Poitiers, University College Dublin, University of Groningen, University of Ljubljana, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 15/01/2025

The handbook features a collection of concrete activities and ideas that academics teaching in different programmes can use to:

  • help first-year students learn to learn in ways required in higher education, and/or
  • revise their own approaches to assessment, learning and teaching, in order to make higher education more inclusive and set diverse students up for success.

The handbook can be used primarily by academics who teach first-year students. However, it can also help those facilitating professional development at higher education institutions, since research-based ideas will be contextualised for different disciplines and expressed in language clear to those not trained as educators.
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De Wetenschap van Woorden book cover

De Wetenschap van Woorden

CC BY-ND (Attribution NoDerivatives)  1 H5P Activities    Dutch

Author(s): Studenten Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs 2023-2024

Editor(s): Nienke Renting, Marij Veldman

Subject(s): Onderwijs

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 15/10/2024

Wil je jouw leerlingen helpen om hun taal- en leesvaardigheden naar een hoger niveau te tillen? Dan is “De Wetenschap van Woorden” precies wat je zoekt! Dit boek, samengesteld door laatstejaars studenten van de Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs (studiejaar 2023-2024) aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, biedt een verkenning van onderzoek naar evidence-based interventies en hoe je deze interventies kunt vertalen naar de klas.
Van het bevorderen van ontluikende en beginnende geletterdheid tot het verbeteren van begrijpend lezen, “De Wetenschap van Woorden” is een praktische handleiding voor effectief taal- en leesonderwijs. Gebaseerd op de meest recente wetenschappelijke inzichten, biedt dit boek praktische tips, strategieën en activiteiten die zijn ontworpen om de taal- en leesvaardigheid van leerlingen te verbeteren en hopelijk ook hun liefde voor taal te stimuleren.
Het boek is tot stand gekomen met als doel leerkrachten te voorzien van actuele wetenschappelijke inzichten en concrete strategieën om hun onderwijspraktijk te verrijken. Of je nu een beginnende leerkracht bent of een doorgewinterde professional, dit boek zal je inspireren, informeren en ondersteunen bij het creëren van een stimulerende leeromgeving waarin elke leerling kan gedijen.

Dit boek is geschreven door Studenten van de Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs 2023-2024

Coverdesign: Bas Ekkers

Beyond the Map book cover

Beyond the Map

CC BY (Attribution)  21 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Jeroen Bos

Editor(s): Jeroen Bos

Subject(s): The Arts, Book design and Bookbinding, Colonialism and imperialism, Cartography, map-making and projections

Institution(s): University of Groningen

Last updated: 14/10/2024

On the website of the University Library Special Collections, the digital exhibition “Beyond the Map. Descriptions of the non-European World in Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Maior” can be found.

Publisher Joan Blaeu (1599-1673), following the example of other cartographic publishers, included extensive accompanying texts with his renowned Atlas. The Dutch-language edition of Atlas Maior, the Grooten Atlas, contains nearly 4,000 pages of text. The texts of 20 selected non-European regions have been subjected to careful analysis by History students of the University of Groningen and presented in a beautiful digital exhibition.

Editor: Jeroen Bos

Migration: A Philosophical Toolkit book cover

Migration: A Philosophical Toolkit

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Editor(s): Marc Pauly

Subject(s): Philosophy, Migration, immigration and emigration, Population and migration geography

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 04/04/2024

Editor: Marc Pauly.

This book was created as an open educational resource in the course Philosophy beyond Academia at the University of Groningen in 2023. Except for this introduction and the chapter Martin Buber’s I-It versus I-You Distinction, all of the chapters have been created by students of the MA Philosophy Programme of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen.

The Tragedy of the Self book cover

The Tragedy of the Self

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  2 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Andrea Sangiacomo

Subject(s): Philosophy

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 11/03/2024

Why do human beings interpret their overall experience in terms of selfhood? How was the notion and sense of self shaped at different times and in different cultures? What sort of problems or paradoxes did these constructions face? These lectures address these and related questions by sketching a roadmap of possible theoretical avenues for conceiving of the self, bringing to the foreground its soteriological implications, while also testing this theoretical outlook against insights offered by various disciplines (including philosophy, cognitive science, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, religious studies, intellectual history, and contemplative practices) and in specific historical cultures (ancient India and Greece, the modern West). The resulting journey is a way of practicing hermeneutics, the art of understanding and interpreting experience in its multifarious manifestations (which include different genres of written texts, oral traditions, social structures and practices, various sorts and domains of experience, ideas and ideals). This form of hermeneutics is best understood as ‘global hermeneutic’ both because of its temporal and geographical scope, and because of its interest on a phenomenon so broad and deeply rooted as selfhood. The purpose of the journey is not only descriptive, though. Exploring the cross-cultural spectrum of possible ways of conceiving of the self invites the more existential question of whether any of these possibilities might offer resources for dealing with the tragedies of today’s world, or maybe even saving it from some of them.

An open access pdf and printed version is published via the University of Groningen Press.
Interdisciplinary Explorations of Neuroscience book cover

Interdisciplinary Explorations of Neuroscience

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  10 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Christopher J. May

Subject(s): Neurosciences, Psychology, Cognitive studies, Interdisciplinary studies

Publisher: University of Groningen Press

Last updated: 04/03/2024

This text is accessible to anyone interested in the brain. It is specifically targeted to students and instructors of undergraduate neuroscience or biopsychology courses. It encourages an active exploration of the intersection of neuroscience with other disciplines through a large number of activities, demonstrations, reflection prompts, and critical thinking questions. The book complements material presented in more conventional neuroscience or biopsychology textbooks, portions of which are linked to throughout this text.